Wednesday, March 28, 2012

You Don't Have to Feed a Ukelele

This has been a most exciting week for me.  For several reasons... but I'm going to tell you about one of them.  I decided last week that I was going to get a Betta fish.  This was brought on by my friend who I dearly love who was talking about her Betta, and her special relationship with it... and last week I was feeling a little lonely.  So... I thought, "Well, self.  You can't possibly handle a dog at this juncture in your life.  And you've killed so many cacti already... so... a fish sounds like the next logical step."  My friend assured me that they are very easy to take care of and very hard to kill.  My perfect combo.

So I did some research.  Being a vegetarian and caring about animals, I feel like if /I'm going to have a pet, it should lead a most wonderful life.  And I want to take care of it properly.  So I turned to old reliable: the internet.  After googling Betta fish, I soon discovered they are NOT as easy as one is led to believe.  They require at least 2 gallons of water, special stuff to make sure the tap water is not toxic (I once killed several fish by putting them in tap water... I will NOT make the same mistake twice), and a special light to keep the water at the right temperature.  Also... they can apparently suffer from depression and commit suicide by jumping out of their tanks.  What!? I quickly realized this was more work than I was willing to put into a pet.  And money.  Granted, the fish itself costs about $3.  The aquarium?  For the level of aquarium I would want for my fishy: minimum $50.  Sure.  cheaper than a dog... but a lot more expensive than I want to spend on something that will PROBABLY end up flushed down my toilet.

Fast forward a couple of days to a meeting I had with a fellow actor who is also working on a one woman show.  Her's is cabaret style and will feature songs from musicals.  I brought up that I was interested in writing a few original songs for mine... and that I imagine myself strumming a guitar.  Now, I don't own a guitar.  I've never played a stringed instrument in my life  My Opa started to teach guitar before he passed away... but... when he passed, so did my desire to play.  But suddenly I just wanted to play the guitar.  It felt right.

So I went to the other old reliable, Facebook, and posted a status that I wanted to learn to play the guitar.  A friend out in LA immediately responded that she has a friend in Brooklyn that teaches.  After a few emails back and forth between this girl, in which I told her my reasons for wanting to play, she encouraged me to consider the ukelele.  It's cheaper, easier, and will fulfill my needs quite satisfactorily.

Two days later I was in the Guitar Center in Union Square picking out my ukelele.  And y'all.  I'm in love.  I named him "Betta"... because he's my new pet.  And he is so fun to play!  I have that feeling... you know that feeling when you first start dating someone.  Or you tell someone you love them for the first time?  That giddy little bubbly feeling?  And all you want to do is spend time with that person?  Even if you're just doing nothing together.  Yeah.  Well, that's how I feel about my ukelele.  I'm in love with it.  I haven't had a lesson yet, but I found some websites that teach you chords... and my friend, The Girl in the Yellow Hat (who helped me pick out my ukelele), taught me the intro to Ingrid Michaelson's "You and I" which is just 3 chords.... and... I've been goin' to town!  I can feel blisters developing on my fingers from pressing on the strings, and I can't wait until they're well formed and I have ukelele fingers! Also... the dexterity.  I feel like my fingers are so FAT AND HUGE.  The strings and frets are so close and tiny...

I wanted to document my ukelele skills as they progress, so here's a little video of me at my current level.  I want to be able to play "Rainbow Connection" by the end of the month (to clarify I mean April, not March)... I have a long way to go.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Haha! I love that i just got to see BRIT K! And you sang for me! HAHA! You're so cute! Yay for a ukelele named Betta! I love him!