Wednesday, March 21, 2012

When is a raven like a writing desk?

“Believe as you believe the floor will hold you up, the chair will let you sit.” Natalie Goldberg

I have had a very challenging week.  Challenging is, of course, relative.  I haven’t faced starvation or struggled with the death of a loved one.  I haven’t looked into the face of evil or been possessed by the anti-Christ (this is a constant fear of mine).  And yet, compared to other weeks in my life… this has been a little bit more on the challenging side.  I find that weeks like this are the ones I value more, though, than the super amazing happy go lucky ones.  Now that I have a more optimistic outlook on life, I realize that these challenging times are when life truths surface:  who you can trust, who really loves you, what you really care about, etc.  

When I’m faced with challenges—little hiccoughs along the way that make me second guess my direction, I find that writing a letter to the Universe is a useful tool.  It’s similar to prayer, but ends up being an amazing way to get in touch with your inner, wiser self.  I’m sure you realize that if you write a letter to the Universe, you can’t really expect the Universe to write one back to you.  So instead, you write a letter back to yourself as though YOU are the Universe.  And it’s amazing how gosh darn wise you can be when you pretend to be all knowing.  Well, I wrote the Universe a letter.  I wrote myself a super wise answer.  I asked for a sign.  And you know what?  I didn’t listen to myself.  And when the Universe gave me a HUGE ASS SIGN, I chose to ignore it.  Der.

I picked up a book yesterday called “Writing Down the Bones:  Freeing the Writer Within” by Natalie Goldberg.  I bought it because I am currently in the process of writing my one woman show.  I have never really considered myself a writer, but now that I feel called to write this show, I’ve decided to embrace that I am competent enough to write.  But I wanted some advice.  Some… guidance.  And this book is amazing.  I would actually recommend it to anyone—whether or not they are interested in becoming a writer.  It’s full of amazing little tidbits. And it doesn’t hurt that Natalie is a total yogi… which I find I’m well on my way to becoming, as well.  I feel like I become more “hippy dippy” every day.  And I love it!

So, back to my challenging week.  My heart hurts this week.  My confidence in my career choice is once again wilting.   And then, as if the Universe really could hear my resolve weakening, it put me in the aisle at the book store to see Ms. Goldberg’s book.  And today, as I’ve sat at an audition for 7 hours waiting to be seen, I’ve poured over the pages.  And as each hour ticked by, I began to get annoyed.  There was so much more I could have done today!  But then I realized that my day hasn’t been wasted.  Because sitting here for 7 hours has given me no other choice than to read and read… and read.  I’ll repeat Ms. Goldberg’s quote:

“Believe as you believe the floor will hold you up, the chair will let you sit.”

With those words... written in 1986 (when I was a mere babe), Natalie just… struck a chord with me.  Believing is so important.  I am not going to pursue anything anymore that I don’t believe in 100%.  And I am going to believe 100% in my instincts.  Because they haven’t failed me yet.  The only thing that has failed me is when I don’t listen to my instincts.  When I try to mold the world to fit my desires.  And that works… to a certain extent.  But… I truly believe that I have to follow my path.  And so long as I’m following that path, good things will come.

Just like I believe, with each step I take, the floor will be there to hold me up, and that every time I want to rest my weary bones, the chair I sit  in will be there, I want to believe that I am an artist.  I was born an artist.  And THAT is who I have to love.  My SELF.  Not a stupid man (though I’m certain that once I fully love myself and am well along my path, a NOT stupid man will appear).    And I can’t deny that I was  born an artist.  First I was a drawer/painter.  I was then a poet.  Then a musician.  Then a dancer.  Then a drawer/painter again.  Then an actor.  Now a writer.  I've always worn an artists hat... maybe different styles.... but there's always been one on my head.  I'm an artist.  It is undeniable.  And, if I truly believe that about myself, I think I will stay on track.  

And I think this applies to anyone.  In all walks of life.  We all wear different hats, but in the end, they're all hats.  And we ALL have to believe in ourselves.  I know, I know.  We've heard that since we exited the womb.  "Believe in yourself!  You can be anything you want to be!  Follow your dreams!"  Life just gets us so jaded and bitter that I find.... we all need a little reminding, now and then.

Update:  I ended up getting seen!  After 8 hours of waiting, I was the 130th person they saw. (Even though I was 9th in line... figure out that logic.  Thanks unions!)   But you know what?  It was worth the wait--it was the BEST audition I’ve ever had.  In my life.  Good things come to those who wait.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So glad you got seen! What was the audition for?

You ARE an artist! Truly! Keep believing that!