Sunday, July 15, 2012

Random Sunday Thoughts

A lot is happening over at my other blog.

Which means it's nothin' but dead silence in here.


I made an awesome "Master Project List" with 4 big headers that are my main goals on it, and underneath, I put all of the little tasks I need to do towards those goals.  I've been SUPER busy (in a good way that makes my heart sing) this week... and not one thing on that list has been erased.  I guess I wrote all the wrong things on my to-do list.

Making that Master Project List on a dry erase board has been on my to do list for months now.  So at least I did it.  I just can't cross it off anything now, because it IS the to do list.  And I haven't done anything on it.

So... that's a bit of an Ouroboros.

Today my yoga teacher said something I really liked... and I tried repeating it over and over in my head so I would remember it... but now it's 8 hours later, and my brain is mush anyway... but it was something along these lines:

"Yoga is a slow attack on the ego.  It isn't all wheat grass and Lulu Lemon."

What she meant by that, she explained, is that the postures are hard, and if you tell yourself you can't do them, you'll be right.  Your ego will win out.  Whether you tell yourself you can or can't, you're right.

I liked that.

And it's totally one of the main reasons I love Bikram so much.  It's such a mind game.  And it's applicable to all aspects of life.  For example, yesterday I got incredibly tired at work after working an 11 hour shift the night before (until 4 in the morning), and then returning to work a few hours later to work another 8 hour shift after 4 hours of sleep.  At first, it was easy peasy.  But once my Venti iced coffee wore off... I crashed. The more I thought about how tired I was, the more tired I felt.  So instead, I turned on my Bikram brain and said,  "I'm not tired!  I have super amounts of energy!"  And it kinda worked.

I liked that.

Random Sunday thoughts.


Kathryn Theriot said...

That is what I needed to hear this morning. I can't stop thinking about how tired I am! I will try your positive thinking and see how that works!

The Incubator said...

I have missed you over here, although I really enjoy you over there. Not to make you more tired or anything:) One thing you could add to your list is to learn a new song to play on your uke!