Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Turtle Shell

Hey... remember that time I disappeared off the face of the BlogEarth for approximately two weeks?  Yeah... sorry about that.

I cannot tell a lie.  I hit a rough patch.  I had to get out my zamboni and smooth things over a bit.  The first thing that happens when I hit a rough patch is I avoid this blog like the dickens.  Because... well.  I don't know why.  I just like to pretend everything is dandy!  Which, overall... it is.  Like I've said before, I'm a lucky girl.  I'm not starving, I have a roof over my head, my arms AND my legs, and a pretty super group of humans that I get to call my family and friends.  So when I get a case of the mean reds, I tuck away like a turtle in my shell.

A new friend of mine said something really cool to me this past weekend.  When certain things happen in your life, good or bad, we often say it's a coincidence.  Or maybe we say "boy, how strange that happened!"  But she said:

"Is it odd?  Or is it God?"

And I don't care who YOUR God is.  Well, not that I don't CARE.  I just mean that it isn't important to me what your higher power is.  I guess I hope that you have one, because it helps me, but if you don't, feel free to skip ahead or read with bemusement.  But... my mom planned a trip to New York about a month ago.  Not for any particular reason.  Just to come visit.  And boy.  It was a total "is it odd or is it God" example.

I needed my momma.  And there she was with a trip she planned long before either of us knew I needed her.

We had a wonderful time.  She said her friends always ask her when she gets home what kind of exciting things she did while she was in New York... but she's come to visit me so often that New York takes a back seat.  We do a few touristy things, but mostly we just enjoy each others company.

This trip, we went to see my friend's scenes from Shakespeare's history play, went to the Cloisters, did the Circle Line boat tour, she got to see my improv grad show, and ate a WHOLE LOT OF DELICIOUS FOODS. (Tomorrow I'll write a  more detailed account of our adventures as I know you're dying to know everything!)

The worst thing is packing my momma away in that yellow cab and walking back into my empty apartment once her trip reaches its end.  I mean, I do love living alone.  It's my apartment.  And I love it.  But when my momma's been here for the past 7 days, and every time I walk in the lights are on and Pandora's playing Carole King and she's sittin' on the couch reading a book... it's real hard to walk in and be alone again.

But I have a lot of exciting things to work on.  And I'm feeling much better now.  The mean reds have dissipated significantly, and there are grand things on the horizon.  But I'll save those for another blog.

My one regret is that I didn't take more pictures...

Momma and I at the Cloisters on a beautiful day!


Kathryn Theriot said...

This made me smile. I love you Brittany!

Melissa said...

Aw! I am glad you're doing better. I know it's gotta be hard saying bye to your mom though!! Love you!!