Of course, with every vacation comes the pre-vacation stress. Yesterday I made a list of all the things I need to get done, and, as if on cue, my right eye began twitching. My eye twitches for one of two reasons: I'm super tired OR I'm stressed. I just have a... lot to get done in these next few days. But it's worth it for an 8 day vacation! To the land of WARM! Goodbye fickle New York "Spring." When I come back, though, it had better be WARM FOR REAL. No more relapses into the 40's. No bueno.
Strangely though, I'm having another kind of anxiety. It used to be I would count down the days to a vacation. Literally, starting in the hundreds, I would start counting down. I couldn't WAIT to get out of this city. But... there's been a flip. Now, don't get me wrong, like I said, I'm super pumped for this trip... but I'm also experiencing a LOT of anxiety. I'm nervous about my food situation while in the South. I'm nervous about being away from New York and missing out on opportunities and being away from my work (not bar work, my career furthering work). And I'm SUPER nervous about being away from Bikram Yoga. I recognize that it might be an issue, but I'm super obsessed with my yoga practice. Not for vain reasons (though of COURSE it is my workout and I do enjoy that benefit immensely), but also for my life. Yoga keeps my mood, allergies, and bathroom visits in check... I'm so nervous that without it I'm going to get all stressed out, develop a sinus infection, and not be able to use the bathroom (TMI?). I found a studio in New Orleans that I'm going to try to go to at least once while I'm there... but maybe I can look at this as a challenge for myself. Yes, yoga is good for me. But I tend to be an obsessive person, and maybe I should look at this as a chance to 100% be on vacation. Minimal work (though I'm bringing my ukulele and plan on writing). Minimal yoga (I really want to go at least once). And maximum enjoyment. Because your beautiful best friend only gets married once! And I am so blessed that I have the resources and time off to go. Speaking of blessed, can I get a "Hallelujah"?
That was a terrible segue... you'll see why:
Awe Bree your post was so sweet! I'm so excited to see you! Pre-vaycay to do lists stress me out to the max. :). I love you!
PS I finally figured out how to comment!!!
How beautiful! Wish I could do that with my stress:)
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