Monday, August 1, 2011


I just got home from my fourth day of Bikram Yoga. I am drenched from the bone to the tips of my hair. I feel exhausted, energized, like crying, like laughing, and mostly like my quest for balance is well on its way.

I had another blog in which I moaned about my life and how horrible it was. It was not a happy place. I was not in a happy place. Then, in an attempt to move from that miserable place, I turned to every single vice imaginable to find happiness. (Well... maybe not EVERY single vice.) You know what? Those things don't make you happy. They may give you a euphoric illusion of happy... but mostly, when the euphoria fades... you're alone and crying and feel like poop.

Now I've made an almost complete 180 degree turn. (Is it 180 or 360 when you are the opposite? 360 would put you back in the same place... right?) I'm exercising, eating right, and trying to get my life in order.

Problem is, I GOTTA have some vices... otherwise I'm a boring, boring person. So. Here I am. On a quest. Much like Frodo and his ring. Or Harry and his Horcurxes. Or Tom Builder and his cathedral. My quest may not be anything so grand, but it is for me. A quest for balance.

Please join me in my quest. I want to share it. My trials. My successes. My recipes. And I want to hear from you, too. Because otherwise... I'm just Frodo without his Samwise. Or Harry without Ron and Hermione. Or Tom Builder without... um... Prior Philip?


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Melissa said...

Yay! I am so excited!!!! I get to read more of Britt K's adventures! :) :)

Unknown said...

I'm excited! Quest away!

kceseal said...

I'm in!